A Resource Library for hubs

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Identify your needs

Answer a few questions to help us understand your needs, and recommend the relevant resources in our database for you.


Recently uploaded

Upload and share your resources with others

1. Step One

First, create shareable, inspiring, quality content. It can be a video, pdf, podcast, etc. Whatever it is, make sure it captures your experience and expertise.

2. Step Two

Upload the content and make sure to provide us with enough information on the resource by adding tags.

3. Step Three

Sit back and wait for it to be published on the platform. We will notify you when it is uploaded so you can start sharing it with others.

Connect with other hubs in the forum

True connections spark creativity, content and growth. At our hub forum you can make these connections with other hubs, entrepreneurship support organisations and experts. Here, you'll start sharing knowledge, showcasing resources and supporting each other through expertise.

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We would love to hear what you think
We are grateful for your feedback and input. Let us know where we can improve, if we're missing anything important, or if you liked something and would like to see more of it. Together, we can make things better!